Contact Us
22431 Antonio Parkway B160-183
Rancho Santa Margarita, California 92688

If you would like to be notified when we are accepting contestants for the 2022 or 2023 Ms. America Pageant, please go to the top of the menu bar and click onto JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST. Fill out your name and email and you will be added to our email list. When we start accepting contestants, we send out a email to everyone at the same time. Then we start at the top and work our way down. The first one to fill out the application and turn in their photo is called first and then #2, etc... We accept contestants At-Large. There are no state pageants to win. You will be able to pick their state or regional title first. Line up for contestants appearing on stage is in alphabetical order.

The MS. America Pageant is not associated with the MISS America Pageant, MRS. America Pageant or any other pageant system.

MS. America
It is a registered federal trademark with the USPTO in Washington DC since February 2000.
The trademark is incontestable. Registration #2321477.
Ms. America - Registration #6112851
The pageant is for women 26 years of age and up who are single, divorced or married. No swimsuit. No talent. No lingerie. Contestants have a cause or a platform they would like to promote through volunteer service.

MISS America ( is for women 17-26 years of age and up who are single, never married. It is the largest scholarship foundation for women in the world!

MRS. America ( is for married women, with or without children. The pageant is owned by Elaine Marmel.
Mrs. America Productions Inc.
2412 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 204
Santa Monica, CA 90403


MS. International is not associated with Miss International or Mrs. International.

MISS International is for single women, never married, nor given birth to a child.
The pageant is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richardson

MRS. International is for married women, with or without children.
The pageant is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richardson.